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Peace in the Haze


Thieves of Peace #3- Fear

Updated: Mar 25, 2024

The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident, Psalm 27:1,3 NLT. 

The enemies of peace come in many forms. Sometimes life becomes a pile-up of disappointments and challenges that batter the walls of our soul. The assault can create fear and steal peace. What’s in the army surrounding you today? What’s tempting you to be fearful? What is stealing your peace? 

Unpaid bills? 

Unraveling relationships? 

Disease or pain? 


World Events? 

Trouble and violence hounded much of King David’s life. He invited some through his own sin but much of it came from his enemies. Since we don’t know exactly when he wrote Psalm 27, we aren’t certain who David’s enemy du jour was at its writing. We do know that the threat revealed David’s heart, which he poured into this song. His confidence in God’s protection in a time of trouble, is extraordinary.  

If David could so deeply trust God to protect him, we can learn to count on God more profoundly than we do right now. The God who rescued David many times is the same God today. He is unchanging. 

He protected his children then and he protects us now. 

He fought for his people then, he fights for us now. 

He never left David alone in a battle and he will never leave us either. 

Whatever is shaking its sword in our face is no match for King Jesus. 

He. Is. Always. The. Superior. Force. 

David fixed his mind more on the power and goodness of God than the strength and numbers of his enemies. He declared truth about God even though his knees might have shaken while he wrote. 

Whatever fears are draining your peace away, I encourage you to spend time in the Psalms and other encouraging scriptures, letting them speak to your soul. Allow God’s Word to bring light and salvation into your battles. Here are favorite verses that I run to when I am frightened. 

Psalm 23:4, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 46:1-3, Psalm 94:19, Psalm 118:6, Isaiah 35:4 and 41:10 

Type these and others up into a document you can easily access on your phone or computer. When enemies threaten, you will be ready with your Sword of the Spirit. 

Prayer: God, I thank you that you are my strong shelter. Retrain my mind to spend more time thinking about your strength and love in the face of my problems. Help me hold onto my peace. 

Recommended worship song- “Surrounded (Fight My Battles)” by Michael W. Smith 

This devotional is available as a free download for personal or group use as long as original author is noted.


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