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Peace in the Haze

Sowing Seeds of Peace 

in the 

Soil of Chaos

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Real contentment must come from within. You and I cannot change or control the world around us, but we can change and control the world within us.

Warren Wiersbe

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Hi, I'm Sharon

I'm so glad you landed here. Join me and others who long for more peace and beauty in a chaotic world and more wisdom and understanding for confusing times. 

I am a wife, mother and Nana who has enjoyed several career paths as a minister of music, floral designer and a high school  Music and English teacher.   I love studying God's Word and finding the beauty of God's character and purposes.

This site was created for you, to encourage  you  to keep seeking beauty, peace, truth, joy, and all the other good stuff God gives us through Christ

Seeking Peace in the Haze

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Boats and Sky
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